Top 5 Most Recent Games on PC

vdr due diligence

A few of our latest games may not be hot out of the oven but they still offer hours of gaming entertainment and a hefty battle. These PC titles range from the captivating detective story of Duck Detective, to the engines for destruction based on physics, such as Teardown.

Ninja Theory’s Hellblade proved that a first-person game can tackle an arduous subject through a sensitivity, responsive storytelling and immersive binaural sound. The sequel, Hellblade 2, builds on the previous game’s success by offering an even more immersive experience as well as an in-depth exploration of the psychosis Senua endures.

Final Fantasy XIV continues to be one of the most polished and expansive MMOs on the market. Endwalker is the latest expansion, brings an enjoyable conclusion to the more than 8-year story, bringing back old characters, settling scores and saving the world.

Divinity Original Sin 2 is a reimagining of the isometric CRPG, specifically for modern audiences. The evocative writing style, branching story, complex characters and party building mechanics set an entirely new standard for dungeon crawlers.

The Stanley Parable pokes fun at video game clichés with a humorous wit that hasn’t changed. The Ultra Deluxe Edition brings a visual refresh and brand new content however, the sharp pokes are still there.

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